Is Britain First actually “taking our country back”?


After watching a very insightful documentary a few weeks ago on BBC3 about the new radical political party Britain First. This became an interest to me concerning the morals around the political party. The fact Britain First have 1,174,984 likes on Facebook. I want to find out how ethical Britain First really is and why is it that some many people support their far right nationalist views?


However before discussing Britain First I think it is key to establish what they actually believe in?

“Britain First campaigns primarily against mass immigration, multiculturalism and what it seen as the Islamisation of the United Kingdom, and advocates the preservation of traditional British culture.”


However the question I want to find out is how far can a nationalist party go before it is boarding on racism. Can it be seen that Britain First is crossing this boarder?


Britain First is a BNP splinter group. After doing a quick search on YouTube it can be seen there are lots of videos posted about Britain First.


This one from the BBC was interesting as it shows the impact of Britain First.



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