Subliminal messages brainwashing TV watchers!

by Basia

Can brainwashing viewers without them being aware be seen as ethical?

The advertising industry, powerfully tells people what they need in their lives sometimes even without their knowledge. Big brands use techniques that create fake connection between their products and human desires.

One of the common advertising tactics is subliminal advertising. This can be described as “A signal or message designed to pass below (sub) the normal limits of perception. An inaudible to the conscious mind (but audible to the unconscious or deeper mind) an image transmitted briefly, unperceived consciously, yet perceived unconsciously.”

Generally is too short to be perceived but long enough to be registered in subconscious.

People are scared by the idea that their subconscious minds might be influenced without their knowledge and respond to advertisements. Many of them involves sexual or encouraging messages and implant provocative imaginary. For instance, some people claim that Disney cartoons consists hidden sexual content.

Below is a video that shows an example of subliminal messages in Disney films.

The goal of advertising is to inspire people to choose a product, service or brand over competitors. Customer’s choice should be a mixture of free will and decision making process. Subliminal advertising desire is to avoid individual choices in order to manipulate people consciousness to select certain advertiser’s brand or service.

In the name of increased sales, brands are not offensively but effectively sabotaging consumer’s free will and decision making process. Even though subliminal advertisement operates under particular circumstances their technics are directly unethical.

I would love to hear your views on what you think of subliminal messages.